Destination Garden Center | Woldhuis Farms Sunrise Greenhouse

Reasons to Visit

HOURS | Monday thru Saturday: 8AM-4PM | Sunday: Closed


Woldhuis Garden Supplies

Endless Selection

Sunrise Greenhouse offers a seemingly endless variety of plants. And with all 385,000 square feet of greenhouse under one continuous roof, you can shop comfortable no matter what the weather is like outside. 

For example, we grow....

  • 90,000 hanging baskets
  • 7,000,000 spring and summer annuals
  • 325,000 perennial plants
  • 200,00 fall mums
  • 138+ different varieties of petunias
  • 100+ different varieties of tomato plants
  • 40+ different varieties of hydrangeas

With all of the plants we carry, you'll be sure to find the perfect plants for your garden and landscape.



Customer Service

Sunrise Greenhouse employs a knowledgeable and friendly staff eager to help you! Whether you need help locating plants in store or guidance in which plants to purchase, we are happy to assist. Our expert staff has a passion for plants and love sharing that excitement with you.

Customer Service

hanging baskets

Unbeatable Prices

Sunrise Greenhouse offers our beautiful, quality plants at competitive prices. Our starting price points offer great value, including…

  • 48 Count Flats are $12.96
  • Hanging Baskets start at $12.99
  • Perennials Plants start at $6.99
  • Vegetable Plants start at $1.08
  • Proven Winners 4" Pots are $3.99

Why such good prices? Because we grow nearly all the annual flowers, vegetables, herbs, hanging baskets, and perennials ourselves. We grow as much as possible from seed, unrooted cuttings, and small plugs. Therefore controlling our input costs and cutting out the middle man. And we pass these savings on to you!
