Vegetable Guide & Tips | Woldhuis Sunrise Greenhouse

Vegetable Guides

HOURS | Monday thru Saturday: 8AM-4PM | Sunday: Closed

Our extensive and diverse selection of vegetable plants and varieties is unmatched! We are passionate about empowering gardeners to cultivate their own edible paradise, offering over 50 varieties of peppers, over 100 varieties of tomatoes, and pretty much any other vegetable you are looking for! Whether you are a novice or experienced gardener, check out our resources below and browse our selection of vegetable plants on our website.


Pepper Type Pepper Variety Heat Type Scovilles
Bell Pepper Better Belle IV Sweet 0
Bell Pepper Big Bertha Sweet 0
Bell Pepper Big Red Sweet 0
Anaheim Type Pepper Biggie Chile Mild 500
Cubanella Pepper Biscayne Mild 500 - 1,000
Habanero Burning Bush Hot 15,000 - 20,000
Bell Pepper Cajun Belle Mild 500 - 4,000
Bell Pepper California Wonder Sweet 0
Habanero Pepper Caribbean Red Super Hot 300,000 - 475,000
Chili Pepper Carolina Reaper Extremely Hot 2,000,000 - 2,200,000
Cayenne Pepper Cayenne Long Red Slim Very Hot 30,000 - 50,000
Cherry Pepper Cherry Bomb Mild 2,500 - 5,000
Cherry Pepper Cherry Pick Mild 2,500 - 5,000
Ornamental Pepper Chinese Five Color Very Hot 30,000 - 50,000
Jalapeno Pepper Chipotle Mild 2,500 - 8,000
Bell Pepper Chocolate Beauty Sweet 0
Chili Pepper Dragons Breath Extremely Hot 2,480,000
Chili Pepper Fish Hot 5,000 - 30,000
Jalapeno Pepper Fooled You Mild 0 - 100
Chili Pepper Fresno Chili Mild 2,500 - 10,000
Jalapeno Pepper Garden Salsa Mild 2,500 - 3,000
Chili Pepper Ghost Pepper Extremely Hot 1,463,000
Bell Pepper Golden California Wonder Sweet 0
Pepperoncini Pepper Golden Greek Mild 100 - 500
Bell Pepper Golden Summer Sweet 0
Jalapeno Pepper Goliath (Gigante II) Mild 2,500 - 5,000
Cubanella Pepper Gypsy Hot 2,000 - 8,500
Habanero Habanero Orange Super Hot 100,000 - 350,000
Pasilla Type Pepper Holy Mole' Mild 700 - 800
Banana Pepper Hot Sunset Mild 600 - 800
Banana Pepper Hungarian Hot Wax Hot 5,000 - 15,000
Banana Pepper Hungarian Sweet Wax Mild 100 - 500
Jalapeno Pepper Jalapeno M Hot 5,000 - 15,000
Bell Pepper Keystone Giant Sweet 0
Bell Pepper Lamuyo Sweet Sweet 0
Italian Frying Pepper Melrose Sweet 0
Jalapeno Pepper Mucho Nacho Mild 4,500 - 8,000
Ancho/Poblano Pepper Mulato Island Mild 2,500 - 3,000
Bell Pepper North Star (Early Red) Sweet 0
Bell Pepper Orange Blaze Bell 0
Cherry Pepper Pimento Mild 100 - 500
Bell Pepper Pinot Noir Sweet 0
Bell Pepper Purple Beauty Sweet 0
Bell Pepper Revolution Sweet 0
Chili Pepper Serrano Hot 10,000 - 23,000
Chili Pepper Shisito Mild 50 - 200
Mini Bell Pepper Snick Snack Sweet 0
Chili Pepper Sport Hot 10,000 - 23,000
Chili Pepper Super Chili Very Hot 40,000 - 50,000
Banana Pepper Sweet Sunset Mild 100 - 500
Chili Pepper Tabasco Very Hot 30,000 - 50,000
Chili Pepper Tepin Super Hot 100,000 - 300,000
Chili Pepper Thai Hot Very Hot 50,000 - 100,000
Ancho/Poblano Pepper Trident Mild 250 - 1,500
Chili Pepper Trinidad Scorpion Extremely Hot 1,500,000 - 2,000,000
Mini Bell Pepper Yummy Mix Sweet 0
Tomato Type Fruit Size Determinate / Indeterminate Color Unique Feature Pot Size
Abe Lincoln Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Heirloom; meaty; few seeds; disease resistant 3"
Amish Paste Paste Medium Indeterminate Red Heirloom; good for pastes, slicing, and sauces 3"
Anna Russian Paste Large Indeterminate Pink-Red Very early and outstandingly juicy 3"
Beefsteak Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Red Heirloom; likes the summer heat Flat & Gallon
Better Boy Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Highly adaptable and disease resistant Flat & Gallon
Better Bush Slicer Medium Indeterminate Red Compact plant with meaty, high sugar fruit 3"
Big Beef Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Red Early fruit; disease resistant Flat, 3" & Gallon
Big Boy (Burpee) Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Disease resistant Flat, 3" & Gallon
Big Rainbow Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Orange, yellow, red Heirloom; very sweet; low acid 3"
Black Cherry Cherry Small Indeterminate Deep Red Heirloom; rich flavor; sweet 3"
Black Krim Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Brown-red Heavy producer 3"
Black Plum Paste Medium Indeterminate Mahogany-brown Heavy producer 3"
Black Prince Slicer Medium Indeterminate Dark Red and Black Distinctive flavor 3"
Brandy Boy Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Red Heirloom; disease resistant; early yields 3"
Brandywine Pink Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Pink Heirloom; ripens late 3"
Brandywine Yellow Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Yellow Heirloom; ripens later with few seeds 3"
Bush Champion II Slicer Large Determinate Red Compact; ripens early 3"
Bush Early Girl Slicer Medium Determinate Red High yielding, compact variety 3"
Celebrity Slicer Medium Determinate Red High yield; crack resistant; good for container Flat, 3" & Gallon
Chef's Choice Orange Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Orange/Yellow Heirloom; disease and crack resistant 3"
Cherokee Purple Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Purple Heirloom; meaty; rich flavor 3"
Chocolate Cherry Cherry Small Indeterminate Deep Red Sweet clusters 3"
Cipolla's Pride Paste Large Indeterminate Red Heirloom; fantastic flavor; unique oblong shape 3"
Delicious Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Crack resistant 3"
Early Girl Slicer Medium Indeterminate Red Early harvest Flat & Gallon
Elberta Peach Slicer Medium Determinate Orange/Red/Gold Tangy flavor with unique appearance 3"
Fat Mama Paste Medium Indeterminate Red Heirloom; rich flavor; solid flesh 3"
Fourth of July Slicer Medium Indeterminate Red High yield; early fruit 3"
German Johnson Slicer Large Indeterminate Pink/Yellow Vigorous, low acid 3"
Glacier Slicer Medium Determinate Red Great for containers 3"
Golden Jubilee Beefsteak Medium Indeterminate Yellow Low acidity; heavy yield Flat & Gallon
Goliath Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Red Vigorous; firm; few seeds 3"
Great White Beefsteak Large Indeterminate White Great taste; low acid 3"
Green Grape Cherry Small Indeterminate Yellow/Green Popular for their color & tangy flavor 3"
Green Zebra Slicer Medium Indeterminate Gold with dark green stripes Excellent for adding color 3"
Ground Cherry Husk Small Indeterminate Yellow Ironically, not actually a tomato 3"
Health Kick Slicer Medium Determinate Red Sweet and full of antioxidants 3"
Hillbilly Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Yellow/Orange Sweet; low acid 3"
Husky Cherry Red Cherry Small Determinate Red High yield; good for containers 3"
Ildi Grape Small Indeterminate Yellow Early; high yielding; produces till frost 3"
Indigo Ruby Cherry Small Indeterminate Dark Purple Good for containers 3"
Italian Roma Paste Medium Determinate Red Heirloom; meaty; few seeds 3"
Jelly Bean Red Grape Small Indeterminate Red Highly disease resistant 3"
Jelly Bean Yellow Grape Small Indeterminate Yellow Crack and disease resistant 3"
Jet Star Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Low acidity; crack resistant 3"
Juliet Hybrid Grape Small Indeterminate Red High yield; crack resistant 3"
La Roma III Paste Medium Determinate Red Thick and meaty fruit 3"
Large Red Cherry Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Hardy vine that produce fruit in clusters Flat & Gallon
Lemon Boy Slicer Medium Indeterminate Yellow Tangy, meaty fruit 3"
Marglobe Slicer Medium Determinate Red Disease resistant 3"
Marianna's Peace Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Dark Pink Great flavor; vigorous 3"
Martino's Roma Paste Medium Determinate Red Very meaty; great for canning 3"
Mortgage Lifter Slicer Large Indeterminate Pink Meaty with few seeds 3"
Mountain Fresh Slicer Large Determinate Red Heavy producer; Large Fruit 3"
Mr. Stripey Slicer Large Indeterminate Yellow with red stripes Tangy flavor with high yield 3"
Omar's Lebanese Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Pink Vigorous; disease resistant 3"
Oxheart Paste Large Indeterminate Red Heirloom; oxheart shaped fruit 3"
Patio Cherry Small Determinate Red High yield; good for containers 3"
Pineapple Slicer Large Indeterminate Yellow with Red Great yields; very sweet 3"
Pink Girl Slicer Medium Indeterminate Pink Crack resistant 3"
Plum Lemon Paste Medium Indeterminate Yellow Heirloom; unique citrus flavor 3"
Rapunzel Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Sweet and very flavorful 3"
Red Grape Grape Small Indeterminate Red High yield; firm texture 3" & Gallon
Red Zebra Cherry Medium Indeterminate Red with Orange High yielding 3"
Rio Grande Paste Medium Determinate Red Huge harvest; tolerates extreme temperatures 3"
Roma Paste Medium Determinate Red Disease resistant Flat & Gallon
Rutgers Slicer Medium Indeterminate Red Heirloom; highly productive 3"
Sakura Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Ripens early, disease resistant; compact plant 3"
San Marzano Paste Medium Indeterminate Red First class paste tomato; meaty 3" & Gallon
Silvery Fir Tree Slicer Medium Determinate Red Heirloom; ripens early with heavy yield 3"
Sugar Plum Grape Small Indeterminate Red High yield; super sweet 3"
Sugary Grape Small Determinate Red/Pink Very sweet 3"
Sun Sugar Cherry Small Indeterminate Golden Low acid; very sweet 3" & Gallon
Sunny Boy Slicer Medium Indeterminate Yellow High yield 3"
Super Fantastic Beefsteak Large Indeterminate Red High yields until frost 3"
Super Sauce Paste Large Indeterminate Red Great for sauce and slicing 3"
Supersonic Slicer Large Indeterminate Red High yield; crack and disease resistant 3"
Supersteak Hybrid Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Large fruit; high yield 3"
Sweet 100 Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Produces until frost Flat & Gallon
Sweet Cluster Cherry Medium Indeterminate Red Clusters of 6-8 fruits; marvelous taste 3"
Sweet Million Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Crack and disease resistant 3"
Sweet n Neat Cherry Red Cherry Small Determinate Red Compact and good for containers 6"
Sweet n Neat Yellow Cherry Small Determinate Yellow Compact and good for containers 6"
Sweet Seedless Slicer Medium Indeterminate Red Great balance of flavor; lacks seeds 3"
Sweet Treats Cherry Small Indeterminate Pink Highly productive; resists cracking 3"
Tomatillo Goldie Husk Husk Small Indeterminate Orange Sweet flavor and a bit wild 3"
Tomatillo Purple Husk Small Indeterminate Green and Purple Used to add color to salsa 3"
Tomatillo Super Verde (F1) Husk Small Indeterminate Green Early maturing 3"
Tomatillo Verde Husk Small Indeterminate Green Early maturing Flat
Tomatoberry Garden Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Unique strawberry shape 3"
Tumbling Tom Yellow Cherry Small Determinate Yellow Good producer; high yield, good for containers 3"
Very Cherry Cascade Cherry Small Indeterminate Red Tidy on top but tumbles out of baskets and containers 3"
Viva Italia II Paste Medium Determinate Red Disease resistant; thick walls; meaty 3"
White Cherry Cherry Small Indeterminate Pale Yellow Grows well in containers 3"
Whopper Slicer Large Indeterminate Red Disease resistant; high yield; long growing season 3"
Wisconsin 55 Slicer Medium Indeterminate Red Great yield 3"
Yellow Pear Paste Medium Indeterminate Yellow Flavorful pear shape 3"
Yellow Plum Paste Medium Indeterminate Yellow Produces until frost 3"
Yellow Stuffer Slicer Medium Indeterminate Yellow High yield; stores well 3"
