Sunrise Greenhouse plant locater map

Greenhouse Map & Plant Location

HOURS | Monday - Friday: 8AM to 6PM | Saturday: 8AM to 5PM | Sunday: Closed

Looking for plants? Use the Plant Locators below along with our Greenhouse Map to find all your favorite plants.

PS: The Greenhouse Map is attached to the front or back of all our carts.

Annual Pots, Flats, & Vegetables

Annual Pots, Flats, & Vegetables Locator

Map Woldhuis Sunrise Greenhouse

Hanging Baskets & Bags Locator

Map Woldhuis Sunrise Greenhouse

Perennials, Herbs, & Tropicals Locator

Map Woldhuis Sunrise Greenhouse

Fall Mums & More Locator

Woldhuis-Greenhouse-Map Woldhuis-Greenhouse-Map-Mobile